Toiber`s Lab

Aging & Molecular biology
Kaluski-Kopatch S, Stein D, Venzor AG, Campos AM, Planque M, Goldstein B, De Allende-Becerra E, Smirnov D, Zaretsky A, Eremenko E, Toiber D
SIRT6 regulates Tryptophan catabolism preventing metabolite imbalance and neurodegeneration.
Stein D, Portillo M, Kaluski-Kopatch S, Gallrein C, Garcia-Venzor A, Lachberg Y, Eremenko E, Smirnov D, Dror S, Einav M, Khrameeva E, Ben-Zvi A, Schumacher B, Toiber D.
SIRT6 regulates protein synthesis and folding through nucleolar remodeling.
Zaretsky A, Venzor AG, Eremenko E, Stein D, Smirnov D, Rabuah Y, Dryer R, Kriukov D, Kaluski-Kopatch S, Einav M, Khrameeva E, Toiber D
SIRT6-dependent functional switch via K494 modifications of RE-1 silencing transcription factor.
Cell Death Dis. 2024 Nov 7;15(11):798
PMID: 39511137; PMCID: PMC11543946
Kriukov D, Eremenko E, Smirnov D, Stein D, Tsitrina A, Golova A, Einav M, Khrameeva E, Toiber D
Nuclear expansion and chromatin structure remodeling in mouse aging neurons.
NAR Molecular Medicine. 2024 Jul;1(3):ugae011
Portillo M, Toiber D
Tau’s function and dysfunction in the brain: when small changes have big consequences.
Neural Regeneration Research. 2024 Jan 1;19(1):152-3
PMID: 37488858; PMCID: PMC10479848
Smirnov D, Toiber D, Gelfand M, Khrameeva E
optimalTAD: annotation of topologically associating domains based on chromatin marks enrichment.
bioRxiv. 2023:2023-03
Smirnov D, Eremenko E, Stein D, Kaluski S, Jasinska W, Cosentino C, Martinez-Pastor B, Brotman Y, Mostoslavsky R, Khrameeva E, Toiber D
SIRT6 is a key regulator of mitochondrial function in the brain.
Cell Death & Disease. 2023 Jan 18;14(1):35
PMID: 36653345; PMCID: PMC9849342
Stein D, Slobodnik Z, Tam B, Einav M, Akabayov B, Berstein S, Toiber D
4-phenylbutyric acid-Identity crisis; can it act as a translation inhibitor?
Aging Cell. 2022 Nov 14:e13738
PMID: 36373957; PMCID: PMC9741500
Gorbunova V, Buschbeck M, Cambronne XA, Chellappa K, Corda D, Du J, Freichel M, Gigas J, Green AE, Gu F, Guberovic I, Jayabalan A, Khansahib I, Mukherjee S, Seluanov A, Simon MA, Sverkeli LJ, Kory N, Levine DC, Matic I, Nikiforov A, Rack JGM, Imai SI, Sinclair DA, Toiber D, Zhao Y, Mostoslavsky R, Kraus L, Guse AH
The 2021 FASEB science research conference on NAD metabolism and signaling.
Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Dec 9;13(23):24924–30
PMCID: PMC8714140
Sanhueza Salas LF, García-Venzor A, Beltramone N, Capurro C, Toiber D, Silberman DM
Metabolic Imbalance Effect on Retinal Müller Glial Cells Reprogramming Capacity: Involvement of Histone Deacetylase SIRT6.
Front Genet. 2021 Nov 4;12:769723
PMID: 34804128; PMCID: PMC8599966
Garcia-Venzor A, Toiber D
SIRT6 Through the Brain Evolution, Development, and Aging.
Front Aging Neurosci. 2021 Oct 13;13:747989
PMID: 34720996; PMCID: PMC8548377
Jayaram DR, Frost S, Argov C, Liju VB, Anto NP, Muraleedharan A, Ben-Ari A, Sinay R, Smoly I, Novoplansky O, Isakov N, Toiber D, Keasar C, Elkabets M, Yeger-Lotem E, Livneh E
Unraveling the hidden role of a uORF-encoded peptide as a kinase inhibitor of PKCs.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Oct 5;118(40):e2018899118
Epub 2021 Sep 30. PMID: 34593629; PMCID: PMC8501901
Eremenko E, Golova A, Stein D, Einav M, Khrameeva E, Toiber D
FACS-based isolation of fixed mouse neuronal nuclei for ATAC-seq and Hi-C.
STAR Protoc. 2021 Jul 9;2(3):100643
PMID: 34308377; PMCID: PMC8283150
Mazor G, Smirnov D, Ben David H, Khrameeva E, Toiber D, Rotblat B
TP73-AS1 is induced by YY1 during TMZ treatment and highly expressed in the aging brain.
Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Jun 11;13(11):14843-14861
Epub 2021 Jun 11. PMID: 34115613; PMCID: PMC8221307
Naveh Tassa S, Ben Zichri S, Lacham-Hartman S, Oren O, Slobodnik Z, Eremenko E, Toiber D, Jelinek R, Papo N
A Mechanism for the Inhibition of Tau Neurotoxicity: Studies with Artificial Membranes, Isolated Mitochondria, and Intact Cells.
ACS Chem Neurosci. 2021 May 5;12(9):1563-1577
Epub 2021 Apr 27. PMID: 33904703
Portillo M, Eremenko E, Kaluski S, Garcia-Venzor A, Onn L, Stein D, Slobodnik Z, Zaretsky A, Ueberham U, Einav M, Brückner MK, Arendt T, Toiber D
SIRT6-CBP-dependent nuclear Tau accumulation and its role in protein synthesis.
Cell Rep. 2021 Apr 27;35(4):109035
PMID: 33910019
Stein D, Mizrahi A, Golova A, Saretzky A, Venzor AG, Slobodnik Z, Kaluski S, Einav M, Khrameeva E, Toiber D
Aging and pathological aging signatures of the brain: through the focusing lens of SIRT6.
Aging (Albany NY). 2021 Mar 9;13(5):6420-6441
Epub 2021 Mar 9. PMID: 33690173; PMCID: PMC7993737
Mkrtchyan GV, Abdelmohsen K, Andreux P, Bagdonaite I, Barzilai N, Brunak S, Cabreiro F, de Cabo R, Campisi J, Cuervo AM, Demaria M, Ewald CY, Fang EF, Faragher R, Ferrucci L, Freund A, Silva-García CG, Georgievskaya A, Gladyshev VN, Glass DJ, Gorbunova V, de Grey A, He WW, Hoeijmakers J, Hoffmann E, Horvath S, Houtkooper RH, Jensen MK, Jensen MB, Kane A, Kassem M, de Keizer P, Kennedy B, Karsenty G, Lamming DW, Lee KF, MacAulay N, Mamoshina P, Mellon J, Molenaars M, Moskalev A, Mund A, Niedernhofer L, Osborne B, Pak HH, Parkhitko A, Raimundo N, Rando TA, Rasmussen LJ, Reis C, Riedel CG, Franco-Romero A, Schumacher B, Sinclair DA, Suh Y, Taub PR, Toiber D, Treebak JT, Valenzano DR, Verdin E, Vijg J, Young S, Zhang L, Bakula D, Zhavoronkov A, Scheibye-Knudsen M
ARDD 2020: from aging mechanisms to interventions.
Aging (Albany NY). 2020 Dec 30;12(24):24484-24503
Epub 2020 Dec 30. PMID: 33378272; PMCID: PMC7803558.
Onn L, Portillo M, Ilic S, Cleitman G, Stein D, Kaluski S, Shirat I, Slobodnik Z, Einav M, Erdel F, Akabayov B, Toiber D
SIRT6 is a DNA double-strand break sensor.
Elife. 2020 Jan 29;9:e51636
PMID: 31995034; PMCID: PMC7051178
Lan A, Stein D, Portillo M, Toiber D, Kofman O
Impaired innate and conditioned social behavior in adult C57Bl6/J mice prenatally exposed to chlorpyrifos.
Behav Brain Funct. 2019 Mar 1;15(1):2
PMID: 30823929; PMCID: PMC6397466
Gertman O, Omer D, Hendler A, Stein D, Onn L, Khukhin Y, Portillo M, Zarivach R, Cohen HY, Toiber D, Aharoni A
Directed evolution of SIRT6 for improved deacylation and glucose homeostasis maintenance.
Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 23;8(1):3538
PMID: 29476161; PMCID: PMC5824787
Zorrilla-Zubilete MA, Yeste A, Quintana FJ, Toiber D, Mostoslavsky R, Silberman DM
Epigenetic control of early neurodegenerative events in diabetic retinopathy by the histone deacetylase SIRT6.
J Neurochem. 2018 Jan;144(2):128-138
Epub 2017 Nov 21. PMID: 29049850
Shpak N, Manor R, Abilevich LK, Mantal O, Shavit K, Aflalo ED, Toiber D, Sagi A
Short versus long double-stranded RNA activation of a post-transcriptional gene knockdown pathway.
RNA Biol. 2017 Dec 2;14(12):1766-1775
Epub 2017 Nov 3. PMID: 28816598; PMCID: PMC5731812
Lobbardi R, Pinder J, Martinez-Pastor B, Theodorou M, Blackburn JS, Abraham BJ, Namiki Y, Mansour M, Abdelfattah NS, Molodtsov A, Alexe G, Toiber D, de Waard M, Jain E, Boukhali M, Lion M, Bhere D, Shah K, Gutierrez A, Stegmaier K, Silverman LB, Sadreyev RI, Asara JM, Oettinger MA, Haas W, Look AT, Young RA, Mostoslavsky R, Dellaire G, Langenau DM
TOX Regulates Growth, DNA Repair, and Genomic Instability in T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Cancer Discov. 2017 Nov;7(11):1336-1353
Epub 2017 Oct 3. PMID: 28974511; PMCID: PMC5683427
Stein D, Toiber D
DNA damage and neurodegeneration: the unusual suspect.
Neural Regen Res. 2017 Sep;12(9):1441-1442
PMID: 29089988; PMCID: PMC5649463
Kaluski S, Portillo M, Besnard A, Stein D, Einav M, Zhong L, Ueberham U, Arendt T, Mostoslavsky R, Sahay A, Toiber D
Neuroprotective Functions for the Histone Deacetylase SIRT6.
Cell Rep. 2017 Mar 28;18(13):3052-3062
PMID: 28355558; PMCID: PMC5389893
Toiber D, Leprivier G, Rotblat B
Long noncoding RNA: noncoding and not coded.
Cell Death Discov. 2017 Jan 9;3:16104
PMID: 28090356; PMCID: PMC5220640
Toiber D, Erdel F, Bouazoune K, Silberman DM, Zhong L, Mulligan P, Sebastian C, Cosentino C, Martinez-Pastor B, Giacosa S, D'Urso A, Näär AM, Kingston R, Rippe K, Mostoslavsky R
SIRT6 recruits SNF2H to DNA break sites, preventing genomic instability through chromatin remodeling.
Mol Cell. 2013 Aug 22;51(4):454-68
Epub 2013 Aug 1. PMID: 23911928; PMCID: PMC3761390
Sebastián C, Zwaans BM, Silberman DM, Gymrek M, Goren A, Zhong L, Ram O, Truelove J, Guimaraes AR, Toiber D, Cosentino C, Greenson JK, MacDonald AI, McGlynn L, Maxwell F, Edwards J, Giacosa S, Guccione E, Weissleder R, Bernstein BE, Regev A, Shiels PG, Lombard DB, Mostoslavsky R
The histone deacetylase SIRT6 is a tumor suppressor that controls cancer metabolism.
Cell. 2012 Dec 7;151(6):1185-99
PMID: 23217706; PMCID: PMC3526953
Cohen-Kfir E, Artsi H, Levin A, Abramowitz E, Bajayo A, Gurt I, Zhong L, D'Urso A, Toiber D, Mostoslavsky R, Dresner-Pollak R
Sirt1 is a regulator of bone mass and a repressor of Sost encoding for sclerostin, a bone formation inhibitor.
Endocrinology. 2011 Dec;152(12):4514-24
Epub 2011 Sep 27. PMID: 21952235
Mulligan P, Yang F, Di Stefano L, Ji JY, Ouyang J, Nishikawa JL, Toiber D, Kulkarni M, Wang Q, Najafi-Shoushtari SH, Mostoslavsky R, Gygi SP, Gill G, Dyson NJ, Näär AM
A SIRT1-LSD1 corepressor complex regulates Notch target gene expression and development.
Mol Cell. 2011 Jun 10;42(5):689-99
Epub 2011 May 19. PMID: 21596603; PMCID: PMC3119599
Toiber D, Sebastian C, Mostoslavsky R
Characterization of nuclear sirtuins: molecular mechanisms and physiological relevance.
Handb Exp Pharmacol. 2011;206:189-224
PMID: 21879451
Toiber D, Azkona G, Ben-Ari S, Torán N, Soreq H, Dierssen M
Engineering DYRK1A overdosage yields Down syndrome-characteristic cortical splicing aberrations.
Neurobiology of disease. 2010 Oct 1;40(1):348-59
Epub 2010 Jun 30. PMID: 20600907
Greenberg DS, Toiber D, Berson A, Soreq H
Acetylcholinesterase variants in Alzheimer's disease: from neuroprotection to programmed cell death.
Neurodegener Dis. 2010;7(1-3):60-3
Epub 2010 Feb 18. PMID: 20173328
Zhong L, D'Urso A, Toiber D, Sebastian C, Henry RE, Vadysirisack DD, Guimaraes A, Marinelli B, Wikstrom JD, Nir T, Clish CB, Vaitheesvaran B, Iliopoulos O, Kurland I, Dor Y, Weissleder R, Shirihai OS, Ellisen LW, Espinosa JM, Mostoslavsky R
The histone deacetylase Sirt6 regulates glucose homeostasis via Hif1alpha.
Cell. 2010 Jan 22;140(2):280-93
PMID: 20141841; PMCID: PMC2821045
Toiber D, Greenberg DS, Soreq H
Pro-apoptotic protein-protein interactions of the extended N-AChE terminus.
J Neural Transm (Vienna). 2009 Nov;116(11):1435-42
Epub 2009 Jun 16. PMID: 19533292; PMCID: PMC2773036
Toiber D, Berson A, Greenberg D, Melamed-Book N, Diamant S, Soreq H
N-acetylcholinesterase-induced apoptosis in Alzheimer's disease.
PLoS One. 2008 Sep 1;3(9):e3108
PMID: 18769671; PMCID: PMC2518620
Kehat R, Zemel E, Cuenca N, Evron T, Toiber D, Loewenstein A, Soreq H, Perlman I
A novel isoform of acetylcholinesterase exacerbates photoreceptors death after photic stress.
Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007 Mar;48(3):1290-7
PMID: 17325175
Ben-Ari S, Toiber D, Sas AS, Soreq H, Ben-Shaul Y
Modulated splicing-associated gene expression in P19 cells expressing distinct acetylcholinesterase splice variants.
J Neurochem. 2006 Apr;97 Suppl 1:24-34
PMID: 16635247
Meshorer E, Bryk B, Toiber D, Cohen J, Podoly E, Dori A, Soreq H
SC35 promotes sustainable stress-induced alternative splicing of neuronal acetylcholinesterase mRNA.
Mol Psychiatry. 2005 Nov;10(11):985-97
PMID: 16116489
Toiber D, Soreq H
Cellular stress reactions as putative cholinergic links in Alzheimer's disease.
Neurochem Res. 2005 Jun-Jul;30(6-7):909-19
PMID: 16187225
Stamm S, Ben-Ari S, Rafalska I, Tang Y, Zhang Z, Toiber D, Thanaraj TA, Soreq H
Function of alternative splicing.
Gene. 2005 Jan 3;344:1-20
Epub 2004 Dec 10. PMID: 15656968
Meshorer E, Toiber D, Zurel D, Sahly I, Dori A, Cagnano E, Schreiber L, Grisaru D, Tronche F, Soreq H
Combinatorial complexity of 5' alternative acetylcholinesterase transcripts and protein products.
J Biol Chem. 2004 Jul 9;279(28):29740-51
Epub 2004 Apr 28. PMID: 15123727